Literary writings
- La lessive et autres histoires de femmes migrantes, (The Laundry and other stories of migrant women), Editions d'en bas, 2017.
- Spinach soup and Abbottabad, Himal Southasian, 31 July 2015. 📖
- The message of Zeev, the shoemaker. In: Georg Klein (Ed.) Nya tankar om kreativitet och flow (Creativity and flow revisited) Brombergs, Stockholm, 2012.
- A voyage towards the “Other”, (English original) Eurozine, 6. 7. 2011. 📖
Eine Reise zum Anderen (German translation), Lettre International, Berlin No. 90, Fall 2010.
O calatorie catre celalalt, (Romanian translation) Lettre Internationale, Bucharest, No. 76. Dec 2010 - Jan 2011.
Utazás a "másik" felé, (Slightly updated and modified Hungarian version), Magyar Lettre International, Spring 2011. - Apám halálának nyara (The Summer My Father Died), Noran, Budapest 2006.
Léto, kdy otec zemrel, Czech translation by Anna Valentová, Dybbuk, Praha, 2010.
The Summer My Father Died, English translation by George Szirtes, Telegram, London, 2012.
L’été où mon père est mort. French translation by Clara Royer, Editions de l’Antilope, Paris, 2023. - Shylock and the European Constitution. Living in diversity, 20 Oct 2011.
Shylock und die Integration. (German translation) Lettre International, No. 72. Berlin, March 2006.
Shylock si Constitutia europeana. (Romanian translation) Lettre Internationale, Bucharest, Summer No.58. 2006.
Shylock és az integráció. (Hungarian translation) Magyar Lettre Internationale, Summer No.61. 2006. - Durch ostliches gelande. (Postcards from the heart of Europe) Lettre International, Berlin, No. 29. 1995.
Cartoline dal cuore d'Europa. (Italian translation) Lettera Internazionale, Roma, No. 43-44. 1995.
Ilustrate din inima Europei. (Romanian translation) Lettre Internationale, Bucharest, No. 14. 1995. - Das fehlende Haus. (The missing house) Lettre International, Berlin, 1993. No. 23.
La casa desaparecida (Spanish translation) Letra Internacional, Madrid, 1993. No. 30-31.
Literature and Art reviews
- Ünnep a BMC-ben. (Kurtág György’s masterclass in the BMC), Élet és irodalom, Vol. LXVII. No. 31, Aug. 4. 2023. 📖
- Egy fokkal sötétebb. Klein György halálára . (A shade darker. After the death of Georg Klein), Élet és irodalom, Vol. LXI. No. 3, 20 January 2017. 📖
- A call from Damascus, Review of « Alors que j'attendais », a play written by Mohammed Al Attar and directed by Omar Abousaada), OpenDemocracy, 15 September 2016. 📖
- Rough guide to Anthony Rudolf's library. International Literary Quarterly, Spring, 2016. 📖
- La mer ne nous accroche pas . (The sea does not hold us. Malik Nejmi's documentary), Babelmed, 20 October, 2015. 📖
- The Regard of Amar Kanwar. Berfrois, August 4, 2015. 📖
- Egy meg sem hallgatott tanú. (An ignored witness, Nyíri János 1932-2002), Magyar Narancs, 16 Jan 2014. 📖
- A witness who needs to be heard. János Nyíri, 1932–2002. (English translation) Hungarian Literature Online, 10 Feb. 2014. 📖
- Chances of survival. Book review of Andrew Karpati Kennedy 'Chance survivor'. Poetry Nation Review, 214. Vol. 40 No. 2. Nov-Dec. 2013. 📖
- Quand Catherine Zarcate rencontre le roi Salomon. (When Catherine Zarcate meets King Salamon. Catherine Zarcate's recital) Babelmed, 20 Nov 2013. 📖
- Találkozás a Dohány utcai seriffel. (Encounter with the sheriff of Dohány street. A theatre performance) Litera, 23 May 2013.📖