Articles of general interest
- GENÈVE MUNDI. Six balades pour découvrir les empreintes du monde dans la ville. (GENÈVE MUNDI. Six walks to discover the footprints of the world in the city) Editions Slatkine, 2023.
- Facing violence: thoughts from Geneva. OpenDemocracy, 18 December 2015. 📖
- Actually existing Europe. OpenDemocracy, 19 June 2015. 📖
- Hungary’s municipal elections are unlikely to see Fidesz loosen its dominant hold over Hungarian politics. EUROPP - European Politics and Policy blog, London School of Economics, 1st October, 2014. 📖
- Brave new Hungary. OpenDemocracy, 17 September 2014. 📖
Fagre nye Ungarn. (Danish translation) Salon 55, 2 Oct 2014. - What pushes Eastern Europe’s Gypsies to the West?, Eurozine, Jan. 2014. 📖
- Ce-i îndeamna pe romii din Europa sa mearga spre Vest? (Romanian translation) Dilema Veche, Jan 2014. [Read article]
- Winter chill over Hungary’s Autumn. OpenDemocracy, 9 Nov 2013. 📖
- Letter from Tirana: Who is a guest in Europe’s house? OpenDemocracy, 14 June, 2013. 📖
- The end of Yugoslavia. OpenDemocracy, 9 July 2012. 📖
- Reclaiming Europa and the uncontrolled power of business. OpenDemocracy, 9 July 2012. 📖
- Viktor Orbán has crushed Hungary's 1989 dream. The Guardian, 17 Jan 2012. 📖
What’s next in Hungary? (Original long version) Living in diversity, 18 January, 2012. - Hungary’s choices one year on: in the land of ‘Revolutionary Voting Booths’. OpenDemocracy, 10 July 2011. 📖
Magyarország választásai egy év után – „A szavazófülkék forradalmának” országa. (Hungarian translation) Galamus-csoport, 19 July, 2011. - Egy játékos próféta halálára. Kiss Yudit írása a nemrég elhunyt Bródy Andrásról (The death of a playful prophet. In memoriam András Bródy), 168 óra, 11 Jan 2011.
- Jestem zwierzyna lowna. (I am a prey to hunt) Gazeta Wyborcza, 11. Nov. 2007. 📖
- Xenophobes, not workers are uniting across Europe. The Guardian, 29 Jan 2007. 📖
Polish translation, Gazeta Wyborcza, 5 April, 2007. - Scandal in a small town. Understanding modern Hungary through the stories of three families, Book review of Marida Hollos, 'Scandal in a Small Town. Understanding Modern Hungary through the Stories of Three Families', Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 56. No.3. May 2004. 📖
- Swords back to replace ploughshares. The Guardian, 8 Jan. 1994.
- All slaves to the past. The Guardian, 21 Feb. 1992.
- The new meaning of life. The Guardian, 2 Aug 1991.
- The Second "No". Women in Hungary. Feminist Review, Special issue on Eastern Europe, 1991. No. 39. 📖
- The Dark in Lands of Light. The Guardian, 1 Apr. 1991.
- Elogio de la peripheria. (In praise of the periphery), El Nacional, (Mexico City) 20 Nov. 1990.
- La insoportable gravedad del ser. (The unbearable heaviness of being) Nexos , (Mexico City), No.4. 1990.
- No más sueños por favor. (No more dreams, please), El Nacional, 8 March 1990.
- La difícil apertura húngara. (Difficult opening up in Hungary), El Nacional, 12 Dec. 1989.
- Frida Kahlo. Művészet, No. 4. Apr.1988.
- Cerebros enjaulados o los límites de la creatividad socialista. (Brains in a cage or the limits of socialist creativity) Analogías, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City, No.1. 1988.