All Academic Publications

  • Pensamientos sobre la marginalidad a base del ejemplo venezolano. (Reflections on marginality: The case of Venezuela) In: Zoltán Kollár (Ed.) Ensayos de estudiantes hungaros sobre Venezuela. Kulturális Kapcsolatok Intézete, Budapest, 1979.
  • A korai kapitalizmus kialakulásának első formái Latin-Amerikában. (Early capitalist production forms in Latin America) MM Tájékoztató, No.6. 1982.
  • Latin-Amerika helye a harmadik világ országai között. (Latin America's place in the 3d world), SZEKI Tájékoztató, No.2. 1983.
  • Elmaradottság és belso piac. Elméleti megközelítések (Underdevelopment and internal market. Theoretical aspects). Társadalomtudományi Közlemények, No.1. 1984. 
  • A latin-amerikai marginalizáció kérdése. (Marginalization in Latin America.) In: Antal Steinbach (Ed.) A fejlődő országok múltja és jelene. Vol.II. University of ELTE-BTK, Budapest, 1984.
  • A latin-amerikai iparosítás és társadalmi szerkezet néhány sajátos vonása. (Latin American industrialization and social structure. Some special features.) SZEKI Tájékoztató, No.4. 1985.
  • Piaci formák a múlt századi Mexikóban. (Market forms in 19th century Mexico) MM Tájékoztató, No.5. 1985.
  • Latin Amerika a világgazdaságban. (Latin America in the world economy.) Review article. Külpolitika, No.5. 1985.
  • From Peasant to Proletarian. A latin-amerikai agrárátalakulás kérdései. (Transformations in the Latin American Agriculture. Review article) Elmélet és politika, No.1. 1986.
  • Informális társadalmi kapcsolatrendszerek Latin-Amerikában. (Informal social networks in Latin America) Közgazdasági szemle, No. 6-7. 1986.
  • Mexikó a 19. században. Egy elmaradott rendszer kialakulásának története. (19th century Mexico. The Formation of an Underdeveloped Economy), University of ELTE-TTI, TSZF. Series No. 97. Budapest, 1987.
  • La formación del mercado interno en el México del siglo XIX. (The formation of the internal market in 19th century Mexico), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), División de Posgrado de Economía, Working Papers Series, Mexico City, 1987. 
  • Nuevo capítulo en el desarrollo de las teorías de reforma económica húngara. (New chapter in the theories of economic reform in Hungary), UNAM, Division de Posgrado de Economia, Working Papers Series, Mexico City, 1988.
  • A nicaraguai gazdaság 10 éve, avagy el lehet-e kerülni a szocialista gazdálkodás gyermekbetegségeit? (10 years of the Nicaraguan economy or is it possible to avoid the infantile disorders of the socialist economy?), In: Ádám Anderle (Ed.) A nicaraguai forradalom 10 éve. University JATE, Szeged 1989.
  • Parallels between Hungary and Mexico - lessons and mind-games. Manuscript. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1990.
  • The transition process in East Central Europe and its consequences for the Third World. Revue Algérienne des Affaires Internationales, No. 5. 1991.
  • The economic consequences of the end of Cold War in Hungary. A case study for the UNU/WIDER "Security and Defense Program", WIDER, Helsinki, 1992.
  • Privatization in Hungary. Two years later. Soviet Studies, Vol. 44. No. 6. 1992. 📖
  • After the Euphoria: Hard lessons for Eastern Europe. Peace Review, Special issue on Eastern Europe. University of San Francisco, 4 :4. Winter 1992.
  • Lost illusions? Defense industry conversion in Czechoslovakia 1989-1992 , Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 45. No. 6. 1993. 📖
  • Privatization in Eastern Europe. An introduction , In: Y. Kiss (Ed.): Privatization in Eastern Europe. Special Issue. History of European Ideas, Vol. 17. No.6. 1993. 📖
  • Privatization in Hungary - Wishful thinking or Economic Way Out? In: Thomas Clarke (Ed.) International privatization - strategies and practices. De Gruyter, Berlin-New York, 1994.
  • The pains of defense industry conversion in East Central Europe. The New Economy, Vol. 5. No.2. 1994.
  • Transformation and Development: Eastern Europe and the South. Introduction . (With Cristobal Kay and Ann Zammit) In: Kay-Kiss-Zammit (Eds.): Transformation and Development: Eastern Europe and the South, The European Journal of Development Research, Special Issue. Vol.6. No.1. 1994. 📖
  • Privatization and the emerging new ownership structure in East Central Europe: The case of Hungary, The European Journal of Development Research, Vol.6. No.1. 1994.  📖
  • The political economy of the transition process in Eastern Europe. Book review of Laszlo Somogyi (Ed.) The political economy of the transition process in Eastern Europe. Edward Elgar, 1993. Acta Oeconomica, Vol. 46. Nos.3-4. 1994.
  • Privatization paradoxes in East Central Europe, Eastern European Politics and Societies, Vol.8. No.1. 1994. 📖
  • Trapped in transition: Defense industry restructuring in Central Europe, European Security, Vol. 4. No.1. 1995.  📖
  • Sink or swim? Central European defense industry enterprises in the aftermath of the Cold War, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 47. No.5. 1995. 📖
  • Privatization and economic democracy in Hungary. In: Einhorn, B. – Kaldor, M. – Kavan, Z. (Eds.) Citizenship and democratic control in Contemporary Europe. Edward Elgar, London, 1996.  📖
  • The defense industry in East Central Europe. Restructuring and conversion.  Oxford University Press, 1997. 
  • The former Czechoslovakia. Hungary. Chapters 7 & 8. In: Kaldor, M. and Schmeder, G (Eds.): The European rupture. Edward Elgar, London, 1997.  [Read article]
  • Regional and employment consequences of the defense industry transformation in East Central Europe, Employment and Training Papers, No.32. International Labour Office, Geneva, 1999.  📖
  • The transformation of the defense industry in Hungary , BICC Brief No.18. Bonn International Center for Conversion, Bonn, 1999.  📖
  • Defense industry restructuring and regional development, In: M. Brzoska & A. Markusen (Eds.) Military Industrial Conversion. Special issue of the International Regional Science Review, Volume 23. No.1. 2000. 📖 
  • The political economy of tax system reform in Hungary. Background paper for “Visible hands. Taking Responsibility for Social Development.” UNRISD Report, UNRISD, 2000. 
  • Defense industry consolidation in East Central Europe in the 1990s, Europe-Asia Studies, Vol.53. No. 4. 2001. 📖 
  • Craft production of small arms. Background paper for the Small Arms Survey, 2002. 
  • Small arms production in Central and Eastern Europe. Background paper for the Small Arms Survey, 2002. 
  • Hungary. Chapter 8. In: Ph. Gummet, A. James (Eds.): United States, divided Europe? Defence technology options for the future. Unpublished book manuscript. METDAC network, 2002. 
  • System changes, export-oriented growth and women in Hungary , Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 55. No.1. January, 2003. 📖 
  • Privatization and restructuring of defense industry companies in East Central and South Europe. In: Irena Mladenova (Ed.) Privatization and restructuring of defense industries, with a particular focus on the progress achieved in South Eastern Europe. Economic Policy Institute & NATO Economic Directorate, EPI, Sofia, 2003. 
  • Small arms and light weapons production in East, Central and South East Europe, Occasional Paper, No. 13. Small Arms Survey, Geneva, Oct 2004.  📖 
  • Lessons from the Slavic tiger, Beyond Transition, World Bank Newsletter, Oct-Dec Vol. 16, No. 4. 2005. 📖 
  • Public-private partnership in the East Central and South European defense industry. In: T. Ivanov, D. Dimitrov, K. Pudin (Eds.): Private Investment Initiatives for Armaments modernization, Proceedings of the international Workshop: University for National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2006. 
  • East-Central European Arms industries: Between consolidation and crisis, Contemporary Security Studies, Vol. 32. No. 2. Fall 2011. 📖 
  • Arms Industry Transformation and Integration.The Choices of Central Europe. Oxford University Press, 2014. Lessons from the post-cold war transformation of East Central Europe’s arms industry, SIPRI Essays, May 2014.
  • Transformación e integración de la industria armamentística de Europa Central y del Est, (Spanish translation) EuroXpress, 4 June, 2014. 📖 
  • Arms industry adjustment in post-Cold War Poland and Slovakia, The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies; WIIW Monthly Report, No. 12. December 2014. 📖 
  • New trends in weapons production in East Central Europe reflect major changes in the global arms industry, EUROPP – European Politics and Policy blog, London School of Economics, 19 February, 2015. 📖 
  • More Nights Than Days. A Survey of Writings of Child Genocide Survivors. Central European University Press, 2023.